Thursday 20 June 2013

Get slim body with diligent breakfast this fruits

Get slim body with diligent breakfast this fruits
Not eating in the morning is not a wise way to lose weight. Instead of slim, body even so limp because reduction of blood sugar in the morning. In order that can slim, try a fruit breakfast in the morning.

Fruit replace high-calorie foods at breakfast, so it can help control calorie intake. In addition, eating fruits rich in fiber and protein at breakfast also can make you feel full longer, and increase energy for perform physical activity throughout the day.

The following are fruits are either eaten at breakfast to help lose weight, such as:

1. Bananas
Bananas are a source of resistant starch, which is a byproduct of the conversion of some carbohydrates into energy, which can compel the body to use fat for energy saving, not carbohydrates. Bananas are also a source of nutrients, which can curb the desire to eat unhealthy foods because already feel more satisfied if nutritional needs fulfilled.

2. Apple
All fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water and fiber can produce satiety signal in the small intestine, one of them is apple. After digested, apple produce the hormone GLP-1, which sends signals to the brain to persuade you think the stomach is already or still full. Research shows apples are also very effective for weight loss. Eat one apple fruit medium-sized 15 minutes before eating to help regulate appetite.

3. Avocado
There is no reason to be afraid to eat fat, provided that fat it comes from the right fats. Oleic acid, a compound in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) in avocados, can trigger the body to help feel full throughout the day.

4. Pears
A study found that women who ate three pears a day can consume fewer calories and lost a lot more weight than those who did not consume.

5. Orange
Oranges contain high fiber. Oranges can help feel full longer. So it can help to eat more a little throughout the day.

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