Tuesday, 20 November 2012

9 Foods to Strengthen Erections

(Photo: ThinkStock)
For a man, it is very important to make partner satisfied in bed. Various efforts were tried, ranging from logic as diligently exercising, to the eccentric as therapies extend the size of manhood. Though there is a simpler way.

Some experts doubt the size of male virility is to partner satisfaction, but almost all do not deny that a hard erection to ensure the pair reached a climax. Instead of trying drugs or therapies have side effects for the body, there are some foods that are worth a try to amplify male virility.

As reported Menshealth, Monday (11/19/2012), the ingredients are:

1. Coffee
The effects of caffeine in a cup of coffee can boost metabolism, improve blood pressure and increases endurance by releasing fat and gives a boost of energy overnight.

2. Oyster

Oysters are rich in zinc and vitamin B6. Both substances are critical to the production of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Abundance of this hormone will increase sex drive. For those who do not like oysters, testosterone levels can also be increased by eating nuts and seeds instead.

3. Chili

Not only spicy in the mouth, too spicy chili in bed. After eating the chili, the effect is to widen the blood vessels. Not only the blood vessels in the face are getting the effect, but other body parts as well. Because a liquid, it can be pumped blood also flows into the blood vessels in the penis.

4. Banana

This monkey's favorite foods rich in potassium, which is great for the heart and blood circulation. Adequate levels of potassium can help the body to control sodium levels, reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. If you do not like bananas, potassium can be obtained from the orange or potato skins.

5. Salmon
Salmon contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids that can thin the blood. As a result, blood flow to critical parts will be increased, including the penis. Eating fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and fresh tuna 2 times a week will keep the blood flow in the arteries continue to run smoothly.

6. Cherry
Cute fruit that is rich in anthocyanins, a chemical in the plant that is colored to protect the artery walls and help prevent fatty buildup causes atherosclerosis or clogged arteries. Besides cherries, strawberries or brightly colored fruits such as peaches and plums also help keep arteries clean.

7. Onions
Chemical compound called allicin in onions and garlic can thin the blood and improve circulation. As well as compounds in cherries, the chemical in garlic reduces the risk of blood clots and blockage. If you do not like onions, can be replaced by chewing parsley.

8. Wine
Wine, especially red wine, is a source of antioxidant phytochemicals that help open the blocked artery. The trick is to increase the production of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide allows blood vessels dilate, viagra work the same way, but without the side effects. More powerful, if viagra only affects the small blood vessels, then fitokomia can have an effect on the blood vessels as well.

9. Porridge
Do not take pureed food cemen and only suitable for babies. Slurry that is rich in fiber such as oatmeal or cereal can help cleanse the blood vessels smooth and makes it elastic.

Source:  Menshealth