Saturday, 17 November 2012

If want to fertile, long the sperm tail must uniform

(Photo: ThinkStock)
Short length of the sperm tail produced by a man is never the same. Up to a certain range of diversity, the difference was not a problem. But for are difficult to impregnate a partner, it should be uniform.

According to research at Brown University, the diversity of the short length of the sperm tail associated with the status of a man's fertility. The further the range of diversity long tail, the sperm will fertilize the egg more difficult partner.

In a study led by Jim Mossman, the diversity of the sperm tail or flagellum reflects how many sperm can not swim. Unfortunately, it is not certain that the sperm tail long or short that is difficult to swim.

"Our research revealed that men who produce sperm swim champion sperm generally have different sizes a more narrow range of difference," said Jim Mossman in his research as quoted Medicalnewstoday, Friday (16/11/2012).

The conclusion was drawn from observations of a sample of sperm from 103 men drawn at random. Sperm sample was observed shape and size, and then compared the range of differences in size were observed on each sample.

The researchers found no significant relationship between the level of fertility with sperm tail length on average, but more related to the range of differences found in one sample. The more variety, the more infertile though that average is taken may be longer.

These findings also suggest that tail length inconsistencies resulting from the plant showed a disturbance in spermatogenesis or sperm formation process. Interference with the process associated with the ability of sperm produced, to swim toward the egg.

source:  Medicalnewstoday