Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Beware, Playing video games at night can disturb sleep time

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

PLAYING video games has a positive side and also a negative, depending when and how long to play. But the study found that if a person playing video games at night then it can disturb sleep time.

The study, led by researcher Daniel King of Flinder's University Sleep Lab found people who played video games in a long time when going to sleep can significantly disturb his sleep patterns, especially in adolescent males.

Participants involved in the study asked to play a new game, the game is fast and contain violence during 50-150 min in time 2 nights in the Sleep Lab.

After that, sleep patterns and heartbeat were monitored to know is there subjective effects that emerge in adolescence this due to prolonged video game play. The results of this study are reported in the Journal of Sleep Research.

Researcher said someone losing sleep time as much as 27 minutes after playing video games for 150 minutes, based on the results of polysomnography test, well as experiencing tardiness sleep time for 39 minutes.

"Generally they can sleep at the usual time, but these teens experiencing sleep disturbances that is enough significant, such as frequent waking throughout the night," says Michael Gradisar, sleeping child psychologist from Flinder's University Sleep Lab, as quoted by Medindia.

Gradisar said sleep consists of many different stages and also REM sleep or known as dreaming sleep. This condition will be reduced during 12 minutes in adolescents who play more than 2 hours.

"It may not seem like a significant reduction, but REM sleep plays a vital role in helping us to remember the things that is learned day it," he said.

This is of course very role in adolescent memory, such as thing its remembering back lessons that have been learned that is at once can help improve memory when exams.

In addition, in a separate study be known someone who played violent video games for 20 minutes up to 1 hour in time 3 days consecutive can trigger the emergence of aggressive behavior. Exposure to video game violent themed repeatedly, can result in a cumulative effect on a person's aggression.

Source:  Medindia