Saturday, 6 July 2013

5 Diseases that come from pets

5 Diseases that come from pets

Pets are indeed cute. But if not careful to maintain cleanliness and health, there are many diseases that can be transmitted by pets. What is it? See his review:

Pet feces can transmit hookworm disease. This happens if people walk without footwear in the park or garden that is often visited by pets. A puppy or own cat get hookworm from its mother's milk.

A puppy or cat infected by roundworm from their mothers when still were in the womb. While transmission to humans is almost the same as hookworm, ie was inadvertent ingest soil that has been contaminated with roundworm eggs.

It is the most common disease suffered by cats and humans, especially pregnant women. So pregnant women is very not recommended to clean the cat feces. Raw foods also should not be given to cats to prevent the infection of disease such.

Lyme disease
This disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdoferi and spread by fleas. Fleas are even not only suck human blood, but also mice, deer, until the pet. Lyme disease infection can lead to decreased immune system until kidney disorders.

Other diseases that come from pets is scabies transmitted through equipment or enclosure that are used. Scabies making love pets scratching and biting his skin. If transmitted to humans, scabies can live more than three weeks and spread to other parts.

To minimize infection of various these diseases, should be diligent to clean the pets, cages, and feeding equipment. Do not forget to wash your hands after doing everything. In addition, pets also need to be vaccinated and do visit to the vet on a regular basis.

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