Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Three foods to trigger sexual arousal

Three foods to trigger sexual arousal
Sexual arousal become the main motor to the powerful lovemaking session. Unfortunately, along with the increasing in age, sexual arousal also increasingly dim. Maintain body fitness and selective to choose foods so key to restore stamina began to weaken.

Research shows that there is an aphrodisiac that is able to boost libido in order to more pumping again. Three this intake be the compulsory foods which can consumed every day. Here's his explanation:

Raw oysters

Raw oysters has been identified is one of ranked the top aphrodisiac, where this intake can help in regulating mood and is known to help increase sperm count in men.

Strawberry fruit

Already enough to discuss about how the color red can help shows passion on a person. Where on the efficacy of this fruit can be make your perfect performance when performing the foreplay.

Avocado fruit

With a lot of unsaturated fat content and rich in folic acid, avocados can help you in the metabolism (the process of absorption) protein in the body. So it can give you more much energy during sex. In addition, the avocado is very good for your heart health and if they are good for your heart, is not directly it will help increase your sex life.

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