Friday, 2 August 2013

8 This step to avoid you from digestive problems

8 This step to avoid you from digestive problems
How often do you hear complaints about heartburn, flatulence, or constipation? All of it is a matter of stomach complaints which is quite common. In fact, digestive disorders and disease already become a common thing that many heard.

Maybe heartburn is a disease that sound trivial, however it is definitely this complaint interfere with the comfort and could even be a sign of a deadly disease. A person with bad digestion could even up to need medicine and investigation procedures, or even surgery.

Well, here are ways that can help you to get better health with simple steps, among others:

1. Increase fiber intake
Fiber is important things for a healthy digestive system. Based on the Malaysian Food Pyramid, a person should consume at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every his day. This will help regular bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestion system.

Good source of fiber is from fruit and fresh vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, peas and wheat bread. Nuts are a good source of fiber because it is low in fat and contain no cholesterol. The intake is also rich in minerals such as folate, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

2. Reduce fatty foods and oily
Fats and oils are both difficult to be digested and energy dense, thus significantly increasing caloric intake. When choosing a meat as repast, choose low-fat meat such as beef shoulder, beef tenderloin, lamb meat sirloin, leg of lamb or chicken without skin.

Which also must be considered is for the much as possible avoid foods fried with lots of oil or deep-fried. If you need to use oil, try to use it as economical as possible.

3. Eat regularly and do not too much
Try as much as possible to eat based on the schedule, which means do not skip mealtime and avoid eating late at night. You also can avoid the discomfort from digestive disorders by not overeating. Conversely better eat little but often.

The key from good digestive health is with eat a varied, and eating with balanced portions. wishful of overeating because can cause overweight and obesity. Besides it eating the food was varied is also no less important because it can give all the nutrients needed.

4. Drink enough water
Body contains about 60 percent water. Drinking in an amount sufficient to help to 'lubricate' the intestine and helps to digest food. Water also can prevent and relieve chronic constipation by facilitating the flow of food through the intestines.

If not enough to drink, the intestines will absorb water from the dirt, so that dirt harden and cause constipation. Water also helps the kidneys eliminate waste such as urea, and regulate acid-base balance. Without enough water, kidney damage can occur.

5. Consumption of probiotics
Probiotics are microorganisms such as bacteria are good for digestive health. Human digestive system is 'home' for more than 500 various kinds of bacteria, which help maintain the intestines in good condition, and also help the digestive process.

Intake of probiotics on a regular basis will help your health with maintain the balance your intestinal microflora. Sources of probiotics include yogurt and milk.

6. Healthy lifestyle
In addition to maintaining healthy eating habits, physical activity is also important. You are advised to exercise 30 minutes in a day, and three times in a week. Sports that can be done include brisk walking for 15 minutes in the morning before going to work, and 15 minutes of exercise again after go home from work.

7. Set the stress
Levels of stress can directly affect digestive health. Depending on how your body reacts, stress can cause symptoms ranging from discomfort to exacerbation of diseases such as peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

Stress-related headaches, disturbed digestion, back pain and insomnia. It can disrupt the immune system, thus making you susceptible to disease. Things to can is done in order to set the stress including exercise, talk to the people closest to the about your problem, as well as calm the mind and your body with meditation.

8. Perform screening with regularly
Going to the doctor is probably not the first thing that comes in your mind, but to do health checks on a regular basis is important things. This can detect the disease early and prevent disease.

Screening can be done for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease and cancer. Perform regular health checks to know your health. Remember, keep to do health tests and or screening, though you feel very healthy.

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