Friday 7 June 2013

3 Ways to speed up brain performance

3 Ways to speed up brain performance

The brain is the center of all thoughts that will affect the whole body. So, is important to optimize the functioning of the brain so that the brain can work with more effectively.

Here are 3 ways to make your brain work faster:

1. Utilize of your logic
"Irregularity is often caused by anxiety and fears," said Paul Hammerness, assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Feeling it is processed in the amygdala, a primitive part of the brain. On the contrary, the rational mind, is the foundation of effective organizations are almost always found in the prefrontal cortex. Solve this area with filling cost reports or number crunchers stare. Then you will can think more logically and performing the task with more efficient.

2. Move your memory muscles
First thing in the morning, imagine you performing the task daily step by step. Make it a habit to imagine a list of job that must be done to stimulate your working memory. This is part of your brain that helps you store and use complex information.

If there are interruptions (for example phone rings) make a conscious effort to ask yourself that you need to respond to the actions that can show your working memory. If you already reacting (or not), see back a list job you should do in your mind. Increasingly you use working memory, then you will be increasingly soluble in the job. Surely you will be in good control.

3. Break your brain
"Although the brain has an amazing work system, there is limit where the brain needs a break," said Hammerness. Most adults can only focus on one job just in time 60 minutes. To give the span for your attention, stop working for a few hours and go for a walk surrounding. Other new actions will reset the brain and you are ready to get back to work.

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