Thursday 6 June 2013

6 Tricks to shrink the breasts that are too big

Measuring the breast
The majority of women want big breasts, as men want the same thing on her partner. However, breasts that are too big sometimes precisely troublesome so that need a little minimized.

Many ways you can do to shrink the breast, for example with the operation. But besides the high-cost operations of course need recovery period that is not for a moment so it is not many who do it.

Some natural ways that can be done among others the following:

1. Reduce weight

Breast consists of 90 percents fat tissue, so that the most natural way to shrink the breast is with burn fat. However, because is not possible to burn fat just in certain parts especially in the breast only, then the overall weight loss is the only one way. Besides it, too fat is also unhealthy.

2. Reduce junk food

Because contains a lot of fat and calories, junk food such as fried chicken fast food and the like can make fat deposits increases no exception in the breast. Not only that, the chicken pieces sometimes contain hormones that stimulate breast growth. If not for the sake the breast, reduce junk food for the sake of healthy heart and blood vessels.

3. Balanced nutrition

Besides avoiding junk food, make sure the nutrients or nutrition from other foods fulfilled in a balanced. Consumption of low-fat meats, vegetables and fiber foods can make body metabolism increases. calorie burning become more effective, so that fat deposits in the breast is not too easy to formed.

4. Sports

As supporting a balanced diet, cardiovascular exercise is important to do for weight loss. Besides burning fat, exercise also tighten the muscles around the breast so that it looks more tight. With the same mass, the breast tissue will looks smaller when the muscles tightens.

5. Aerobic

If the overall exercise can burn fat and tighten the muscles, sport that are more specific such as aerobics can perfect it. Heart rate is more stable because trained with aerobics will very help maintain the body metabolic system.

6. Anaerobic exercise
All types of sport that aims to tighten or build muscle categorized as opponents of aerobic sports, ie the anaerobic sport. To tighten the breast, focus on anaerobic exercises or call it weight training with targeting upper body.

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