Wednesday 5 June 2013

Difficult to controlling appetite? follow these tips

Difficult to controlling appetite? follow these tips

Uncontrollable appetite is a gateway the emergence of various diseases caused by obesity. If you have an appetite which is not controlled, then try to undergoing these tips.

1. Do not skip mealtime
Maybe you think skipping mealtime can reduce calorie intake, but it turns out it is big wrong. According to nutritionists from Hackensack University Medical Center, Susan Kraus, skip eat will only add the appetite. Conversely, preventing overeating can be done with way choosing foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates. This will cause the body full longer and blood sugar keep stable.

2. Identify the trigger
With recognizing triggers uncontrollable appetite, then you can try to avoid it. Ways to identify the cause appetite is always big, among others, with making the list of foods eaten in a week, at once to record mood, incident which makes the stress, and how hungry you are before starting the eating.

3. Wait
When stress, we tend to have a high appetite and uncontrolled. Then, do not obey the desire to eat during stress. When the desire to eat appear, wait about 20 minutes. Possibility appetite will subside.

4. Drink
Hypothalamus, the part of the brain that control mood and feel hungry, interpret sense of thirst such as hungry. Then, satisfy sense of thirst with drinking too will suppress our desire to eat. However, recommended you choose drinks without additional sugar.

5. Divert
If that you need is the movement of the mouth to make sense of satiety, choose sugar-free gum. research from Australian shows, people who hobby to chew gum has a stress hormone 16 percent more little compared with those who not.

6. Laugh
Look at everything with a more positive so that you are easier to laugh. Research shows that laughter can reduce stress, helping the body to release happy hormones endorphins, and burns calories.

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