Wednesday 19 June 2013

Creatures parasites which can be used for medicine

Creatures parasites which can be used for medicine
Parasites known as a creature whose presence must be destroyed because interfere other creatures, can even cause disease. But it was not all bad parasites. Some of them can even be used.

There are some animals that are known as parasites apparently has other benefits, including for treatment. Perhaps because still attached the assumption as animal parasites, or because there is no appropriate technology, not much the animal parasites is known his benefits for health.

Here are some animal parasites, among others:

1. Wolbachia bacteria

Wolbachia is Bacterial parasite that is being developed by researchers at the University of Queensland to infect mosquitoes. This bacteria is actually not naturally infect mosquitoes, but can be useful for humans.

Infected mosquitoes by Wolbachia will be protected from the Plasmodium gallinaceum, the bacteria that causes malaria in humans. This mosquito also will be lower, the possibility of infected by virus-transmitting of dengue fever.

2. Ants medicine

Ant medication considered as parasitic for other types of ants. Usually they take over the anthill Camponotus and make ant his workers as slaves. Queen ant medicine also participate attack anthill Camponotus and repel her queen.

But in China and Taiwan, ants are used as ingredient of traditional medicine for thousands of years. Research suggests that the extract ants medicine have an analgesic or pain relievers and anti-inflammatory substances.

3. Red velvet mites

Mites that are named red velvet mite has the form of fat and hairy, similar to seat cushion with an attractive red color. Although developed as a predator, its larvae develop as parasites on other insects.

Mite larvae can infect many hosts, but the most common is crickets. This insect extracts used in traditional medicine in China to overcome male infertility and paralysis. Scientific studies have shown that the various parts of this insect have the character anti-fungal and anti bacterial.

4. Braconidae wasp

One of the parasitoid wasp family, Ichneumonidae, has similarity of form with the ichneumon, mythical animals that allegedly is mortal enemy the dragon. In the Greek language, ichneumon mean tracker. But this nickname is more appropriate for wasps from other family is called Braconidae.

Braconidae wasps can be used to detect a faint odor, such as the smell of explosives or dangerous drugs. Even, they are more easily trained than bloodhounds. Interestingly, these wasps do not sting humans and enough given eating sugar water.

5. Bamboo caterpillars

In the wild, these caterpillars are parasites that live in colonies of bees. They make tunnels in the nest, eating bees wax, pollen, honey, and bee droppings. When making a tunnel, they leave a trail such as silk.

In captivity, these caterpillars given eating cereal grain, bran, and honey for used as feed. Humans also can actually eating this caterpillars and the fat content enough a lot, is usually processed with ways to burned or sauteed. It feels like enoki mushrooms or pine nuts.

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