Tuesday 11 June 2013

This is a hint, whether your sweat healthy or not

This is a hint, whether your sweat healthy or not
Sweating is healthy for the human body. However, excessive sweating can be a sign that is not good. When sweat become healthy or even be bad sign for your health?

Well, here are body condition during sweating which implies health or exactly a sign of certain diseases, among others:

Sweat benefits

1. Cool the body

Sweat beneficial to the body because helps cool the body heat. This is the body's natural mechanism to release steam and maintain the temperature comfortable. That is why during the weather is sweltering or eating which hot-hot, your body will sweating.

2. Cleanse skin pores

Sweat can eliminate toxins from the pores of your skin. In this process the pores open, and with the help of sweat then the vulnerability will acne and other skin problems can be reduced.

3. Help lose weight

You may be often hear that if want to lose weight, then must a lot of sweat that out. When you sweating because the exercises, it means you actually burn calories and increase the metabolism.

Excessive sweating, indication of what?

Although sweating it is healthy, but too much sweating is a sign of health problems. Here are some health conditions that can cause excessive sweating.

1. Heart Attack

When a person is will exposed to heart attack, generally he will flood sweat. This is accompanied with muscle pain and nausea.

2. Thyroid

Too much sweating can also be caused by impaired tirois. Generally palm of the hand also participate sweating if having high thyroid.

3. Menopause

Sweating and hot flashes sensation is a common symptom of menopause and hormonal disorders.

4. Leukemia or AIDS

If a person often experiencing of cold sweat at night, then it could be caused by two diseases, ie: blood cancer or AIDS.

How to know sweat excessively?

The amount of sweat produced by the body is affected by various conditions. There are people who naturally have sweat more much than others. Someone who did heavy physical exercise also tend to sweat a lot.

Sweat becomes excessive if the sweat that comes out of the body more than the amount that the body needs to perform its functions. For example, if you sweat though not feel too hot, or sweaty when you're sitting silent and sleep in a cold room, then the sweat that comes out can be said not normal.

Body is supposed to sweat only when someone feel overheated or because of fatigue after perform physical activity. If sweat it out without there are sense of overheating previously or without a physical activity, then it means sweat out excess.

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