Monday 10 June 2013

This is the danger of listening the music that is too long and hard

This is the danger of listening the music that is too long and hard
Listening the music
Music can be a good friends for the young people. Besides can to repel turmoil, the music can also give peace when needed.

However, there are some things that should be kept in mind for enjoying music. Because music can be a danger if carelessly heard, among others:

1. Listen to Music with hard volume

Listen the music when crossing the street proved resulting in fatal. Not a little cases that accidents caused because the victim using earphones in road, good during driving or on foot.

Actually, the experts continue to remind about such cases. These cases involve conditions turn on music with the volume a maximum in the car, spending time in nightclubs, and listen the music through earphones directly to the ear canal, especially for young children.

2. Music more dangerous than SMS?

Based on research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham found that listen the music while they last crossing street more dangerous than while typing SMS messages or speak on the phone. "The big problem that happens is the music makes your ears disturbed. You listen the music and do not notice to traffic," said David Schwebel, Ph.D., director of UAB's Youth Safety Laboratory.

"I suspect that we are little more much using our ears than realize vigilance when crossing," he added.

3. How long should listen to music?

How long is the right time to enjoy the music? ENT specialists and ear surgeon, Dr. Kaushal Sheth has precise rules.

"I tell on people if you want to prevent tinnitus, recomended do not listen to the music player more than 60 percent of maximum volume or do not listen to more than 1 hour a day. Unfortunately, most people exceed this limit," said Dr. Sheth.

4. Music can hamper the productivity?

Is it true that music can hinder productivity at the workplace? Unfortunately, yes. A psychiatrist Dr Anjali Chhabria says that with listen to music constantly can give interference.

Try multi-tasking in this way can not help. You will not can finish the task on time.

It also can damage the interactivity and communication with the colleagues. You do not realize what is happening with surrounding. Music can indeed relieve the boredom of routine tasks, but must keep be limited.

5. Doctor warning

"In a public place you tend to raise the volume to cover the sound surrounding the road. in the ear, hair cells of part in acts as the coating for noise which entry and filter the sound. IF exposed repeatedly, you develop tinnitus, where hair cells become obsolete, "said Dr. Sheth.

"I give recipe hearing aids for age 18 and 20 years. Not only on the music lovers constantly, but also with hard sound," he said. With this recipe, disorder sufferers the ears experiencing dramatic recoveries.

According to increasingly often music listen to music that hard increasingly fast also aging in the ear. "I call it old ears on younger bodies," said Sheth.

Besides it also added by neurosurgeon Dr. Keki Turel. He explained that if these thing continues to be done, then the ear will no sensitive again to low frequency sounds and hard music can also cause disturbances in the brain.

"This will give symptoms such as dizziness and headaches and there is no solution his operation," said Dr. Keki.

Some artists who experiencing ear disorders because things such as this is Neil Young, Ozzy Osbourne, Eric Clapton, Barbara Streisand, and

Now, therefore set sound volume when you enjoy the music if not want to lose hearing ability.

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