Monday 10 June 2013

Be Careful, It's the cause of emergence pouch 'Panda Eyes'

Be Careful, It's the cause of emergence pouch 'Panda Eyes'
Dark circles
Dark circles under the eyes can make a person's appearance seem bleak and uninteresting. Because of this, maybe people must spent a lot of money to buy beauty products camouflage 'Panda Eyes'.

Before already experienced it, you should be careful with the factors causing black circles under the eyes, such as:

1. Make-up

If you have sensitive skin and susceptible to allergies, allergies may be the cause of of emergence black circles under the eyes. Skin under the eyes is the most flexible and this is why if you are allergic, this part is the most clearly visible.

2. Disease

Anemia and kidney disorders can also cause black circles under the eyes. So, if you are experiencing the anemia or suffer kidney function immediately consult with the doctor and get medicines. This will not only cure the disease, but also reduces the panda eyes.

3. Fatigue and lack of sleep

Excessive work pressure can make you physical stress and mental, which is most easily reflected from the eye. Lack of sleep and excess sleep can also cause black circles under the eyes.

4. Dehydration

Dehydration is also one of the causes of black circles. Lack of fluid intake will cause the body's blood circulation is not going well. This significantly affects the blood vessels under the eyes. So drink a lot of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

5. Pigmentation

Excessive sun exposure can increase the formation of melanin in the skin. This is a skin coloring matter that can be found more in people with dark skin color. Melanin can also cause dark skin spots under the eyes. So wear sunglasses or using sunscreen before you step out of the house effectively to prevent panda eyes.

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