Saturday 1 December 2012

Benefits and efficacy of pineapple fruit for health

Benefits and efficacy of pineapple fruit for health has been clinically proven or traditional. Pineapple tree can thrive in the tropics and not knowing the season. the harvest continues. about 2 to 3 times per year.

Not only men are efficacious, but the other part of the pineapple is also efficacious as, leather works to clean marble. Pineapple leaf serves as a pyretic (fever).

So we are always thinking about what is in kandngan pineapple? them is high enough Vitamin C, or about 12 mg in 78 ounces pineapple.

Pineapple also contains phitochemical good for health. Phitochemical is the substance, not the nutrients that are found in plants that have a beneficial biological activity of the body, which is as an antioxidant. In addition it also contains pineapple enzyme bromelain which can alter protein in meat and milk gelatin making food ingredients into wet. Because of its nature, the pineapple can soften the meat by putting a piece of pineapple on it, but not too long so as not to experience softness.

"Despite the sour pineapple is not dangerous for people with ulcers. Phitochemicalnya content can lower high pH to be able to control stomach acid. To add properties pineapple better consumed whole. As for mixed fruit salad and iced fruit."

The fruit is rich in vitamins A and C as an antioxidant. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain.
Bromelain efficacious as anti-inflammatory, helps soften the food in the stomach, as well as inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Fiber content can facilitate defecation in Patients with constipation.

Some of the benefits of pineapple is ripe:

    -  is cold.

    -  can discourage excessive stomach acid.
    - The food in the stomach to help digestion.
    -  anti-inflammatory.
    -  laxative urine (diuretic).
    -  clean the dead skin tissue,
    -  interfere with cancer cell growth.
    -  inhibit platelet clumping.

Some diseases can be cured with Pineapple:

    -  The juice (juice) Pineapple: Wormy, sore throat, Beriberi, weight loss, digestive problems.
    -  Pineapple leaves (washed, finely ground, and apply on the sick): For burns, itching and sores.
    -  Dandruff: Provide 1/4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin and grate, squeeze, and strain. Add the juice of 1 lime fruit and stir until blended. Use this mixture to rub the scalp is dandruff. Do it at night before bed. The next morning washing your hair. Do it 2-3 times a week.
    -  Inflammation of the skin: provide 1/2 ripe pineapple fruit. Peel the skin and grate. Results parutannya used to rub the skin scaly and peeling. Do it once a day, at night before bed. The next morning freshly washed clean. Do it every day.
    -  Constipation: drinking water of 3 Pineapple juice, but choose not ripe fruit and a little bit sour.

Side Effects of pineapple:

   - Young pineapple potential as abortivum or similar drugs to an abortion. Therefore, pineapple can be used to launch a late period. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited to consume young pineapple.
   -  trigger arthritis. In the gastrointestinal tract, pineapple fruit fermented into alcohol. This could trigger a recurrence of rheumatic gout. Rheumatism and arthritis sufferers advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
   -  increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruit contains a high sugar content. So, for people with diabetes, should not consume excessive pineapple.
   -  itchy. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue itch. To avoid this, before eating, soak the pineapple chunks with salt water.

(various source)