Saturday 1 December 2012

The nutrient content and benefits of cucumber

Cucumber is a fruit. It is a sure thing and recognized by the community. Is essentially a cucumber have seeds that are part of the plant breeding system. This one fruit tasty and savory. Cucumbers are often referred to as the cucumber fruit. This cucumber fruit memili Latin name Cucumis sativus. Most of the people like this fruit because of the effects of cold and slightly sweet flavor caused. Cucumbers are often present in some kinds of dishes such as salads, pickles, and fresh vegetables. The fruit is also a fruit that is often present in Javanese cuisine and Sundanese.

History and cultivation of cucumber

Cucumbers were first cultivated in northern India, hundreds of years ago. Cucumber is actually easily cultivated plants, as long as the ground is quite wet. Cucumber cultivation can be done in the highlands and lowlands. Cucumbers taste of course influenced by the quality of the soil. Cucumber is a vegetable that is spreading widely in the world, very much after the cabbage, tomatoes and onions. Cucumber can be found almost all over the world, with different species of course. In Indonesia, you can easily get the cucumber, ranging from the traditional to the market in the supermarket.

Nutrient content in cucumber

Cucumbers are a lot of nutrients in them as much as 0.65% in the form of protein, fat and carbohydrate by 0.1% at 2.2%. In addition to the above substances, there are also magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B2. In one cucumber, there are about 35,100 to 486,700 parts per quadrillion linoleic acid which is included in interest cucurbiaceae. In general, all the cucumbers have many compounds that contain kukurbitasin. This substance has its benefits as anticancer agents that can prevent the tumor from an early age.

Benefits of cucumber as a medicine outside include:

1. pimple

Cucumber washed and sliced. cucumber slices placed and rubbed against the skin with acne. Do it every day after cleaning the face first.

2. Dark spots acne scars
Take the end of the cucumber along approximately 5 cm, then grated. Take turmeric for your thumb, then ground and take the water. The water was mixed in turmeric that has been shredded cucumber that. Then apply to the face. Do it every day until the spots disappear. Alternatively, you can use a spray toner homemade. How, grate a cucumber that has been peeled. Strain and take the water, mix with two teaspoons of honey. Then insert the mixture into spray bottle that comes ons. Spray to the face twice daily.

3. sore throat
The trick, mix a bit of cucumber seeds with a little salt. Then add water. Use the mixture to rinse.

Benefits of cucumber as a drug to be drink or consumed:

1. High blood pressure
With way, 2 pieces of fresh cucumber washed and shredded. The results of his grater squeezed and filtered, then drink as well. Do it 2-3 times a day.

2. Sprue
Every day eat as much as 9 pieces of cucumber fruit. Perform routine.

3. kidney cleanse
Freshly washed and shredded cucumber. Results parutannya squeezed and filtered. Drink the water little by little until the gastric fluid used to receiving cucumber.

4. fever
Take a cucumber taste, washed clean, and shredded. Results grater placed above the stomach.

5. Irregular menstruation
Finely minced leaves 10 cocor ducks, 5 finger gourd of water, 5 majakan, 1 cucumber, leaves 10 dadap SREP, leaves 10 sambaing plug in, add water salt to taste. Then rubbed into the abdomen, and dressing. Do it twice a day.

6. As a breath freshener
After brushing your teeth, eat a few slices of cucumber. Your breath will feel fresh.
Starfruit (avverhoa bilimbi) is a native American plant that thrives in the blood that gets a lot of direct sunlight but enough air humidity.

Other Benefits:

1. skin care

Cucumber has diuretic properties, cooling effect, and cleaners that are beneficial to the skin. High water content; vitamin A, B, and C, as well as minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make cucumbers are an important part of skin care. Face mask that contains cucumber extract used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in the cucumber can lower the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.

2. digestive function

Gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, gastritis acidity, and even ulcers, can be cured by eating fresh cucumber juice every day. The content of dietary fiber in cucumbers can expel toxins from the digestive system that memingkatkan digestive process. In fact, eating cucumbers every day is considered very effective as a remedy constipation.

3. joint health
In cucumber contains silica which can promote joint health by strengthening connective tissue.

4. digestion of proteins

Erepsin Cucumber contains enzymes that help in digestion of proteins.

5. blood pressure

Potassium, magnesium, and fiber present in the cucumber can help you keep your blood pressure remains normal.

6. Kills tapeworms
Cucumber seeds is considered as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. In fact, the cucumber seeds are also known to be useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.

7. nail care
Cucumbers are rich in silica, can prevent rupture and destruction of the nails on the toes and hands.

8. Overcome gout and rheumatism

Cucumber juice is enriched in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and D and folate, magnesium, and calcium when mixed with carrot juice may help patients who experience joint pain by lowering uric acid.

9. Treat Toothache and gum
Mouth disease of the teeth and gums, especially pyorrhea, can be treated Effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber can also increase of saliva and serves to neutralize the acids and bases in the oral cavity.

10. diabetes

Cucumber juice is known to help the health of Patients with diabetes. The content of manganese minerals useful in the synthesis of natural insulin in the body.

11. renal care

Cucumber show benefit in helping to relieve bladder and kidney problems. The water contained in the cucumber helps to Expedite the process of kidney function Urination. In fact, cucumber is the best natural diuretic.

12. nourish hair
Cucumbers contain silica. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot, spinach, and lettuce will help enrichment hair. Silica is found in connective tissue in the body. This compound helps the growth of hair so if diligent eating foods containing silica, you will have good hair and healthy bones.

Hopefully this article useful and adds insight for you.

(various source)