Wednesday 5 December 2012

Big butt sign of a healthy heart

Having a big butt is not just a sexy impression. Recent studies have revealed that fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs can increase life expectancy owners.

Based on studies conducted a number of health experts from the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, the fat that accumulates at the base of the buttocks and upper legs actually reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Unlike belly fat that increases the risk of the disease three.

The research team led by Dr. Michael Jensen involving 28 men and women as participants. For eight weeks, they gave treatment and diet the same for all participants. They want to see growth in the body fat of participants.

The majority of participants had approximately 2.45 kg of fat in the upper body such as the abdomen and chest. While in the lower body such as the buttocks, hips, and thighs about 1.5 kg. These measurements were performed before and after 'quarantine period'.

In the study revealed, there are differences in the fat cells are wrapped around the upper and lower parts of the body. Fat cells in the lower body contains natural anti-inflammatory agent that can stop the clogging of the arteries.

As quoted by the Daily Mail, Jensen said the findings challenged to find ways to increase the production of fat in the lower body without adding fat in the upper body. "It's important to form a protective body and helps prevent illness."

The findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences may be able to explain the benefits of having a pear-shaped body.

The following health benefits are earned by people that have a big butt:

1. Has a low risk of developing diabetes

People who have large buttocks and contains may have a lower risk of diabetes. This type of fat is generally found around the hips and buttocks, known as subcutaneous fat, which is a type of fat that collects under the skin.

According to a study conducted in the U.S., subcutaneous fat may help improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is responsible for the regulation of blood sugar so as to provide some protection against diabetes.

2. It's easier to lower weight

Subcutaneous fat may also help you lose weight. A study found that rats that had been given transplants of subcutaneous fat, surprisingly showed weight loss.

Subcutaneous fat is injected into the abdomens of mice causes the fat cells to shrink though not accompanied by changes in diet or activity level. So, people who have more subcutaneous fat in the hips and buttocks are more likely to lose weight.

3. Are less prone to heart disease

Type of visceral fat that collects in the abdomen may increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. But recent research suggests that subcutaneous fat that collects in the hips and buttocks area may fight disease.

The study was done by transplanting into the abdominal subcutaneous fat mice caused the mice lost weight in just two weeks, and was followed by improvements in blood sugar and insulin levels that good for the heart.

Source:  Daily Mail, msn