Wednesday 5 December 2012

Lower blood pressure with sleep one hour earlier

(Photo: Thinkstock)
Lack of sleep has long been known to cause a variety of health problems for those affected, especially if combined with a messy lifestyle. Luckily, a new study finds that this condition can be treated with bed an hour earlier than usual.

Even this way is said to help lower high blood pressure experienced by a person in just six weeks.

The conclusion came after a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA 22 participants to observe the condition of middle-aged men and women who have prehypertension or high blood pressure is not so but continued to increase until expected to reach dangerous levels. All the participants also claimed only slept for seven hours or less at night.

Then for six weeks, 13 participants of which were asked to sleep an hour earlier than usual. The rest were asked to sleep as usual. Each participant was also fitted with a blood pressure monitor shaped like watches and undergo blood and urine tests.

As a result, participants were given a little extra sleep duration by 35 minutes showed a decrease in mean blood pressure between 8-14 mmHg.

In a study report published in the Journal of Sleep Research od, the researchers speculate that sleep deprivation affects the body's ability to cope with the emergence of the stress hormone (cortisol) which can raise blood pressure.

"It could even be one day giving extra sleep duration as may be prescribed high blood pressure medications," said the researcher was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (12/05/2012).

Source:  Daily Mail