Friday, 25 January 2013

10 Simple Treatment to Relieve Hemorrhoids

(Photo: thinkstock)

Symptoms of hemorrhoids oftentimes interfere even can excruciating. Sitting is not good, even sometimes when walking was painful. Well, to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can do this simple treatment.

Here is a simple treatment to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, as quoted from boldsky.

1. Radish juice

Glass of juice radish is a natural cure for hemorrhoids. Start with a quarter from glass of radish juice, then gradually increase to half a glass.

2. Pomegranate skin

Skin fruit that colored this red, be known as a home drug to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The way, boiled pomegranate skin, then filter. Drink stew water it, once or twice a day regularly.

3. Ginger and Lemon Juice

Dehydration is one cause of hemorrhoids. To reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can try lemon juice, ginger and honey. Drink this drink twice a day in order to remain hydrated and to treat hemorrhoids.

4. Fig

Soak the dry figs in water overnight. Then drink half a glass in the morning and spend the rest of at night. The fiber in this figs effective in overcome constipation and hemorrhoids because able to increase bowel movement.

5. Raw onion

Eat a raw onion to overcome the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Raw onion can stop the bleeding caused by hemorrhoids and reduce smarting in the anus. Moreover onions can also cope with constipation.

6. Body posture when in toilet

Make sure you sit down with the correct position while defecating in the toilet. If you sit in the right position, then no need to strain or much pressure. Put your feet in the place that should, then bend your body forward to relieve pressure on the rectum.

7. Sport

To avoid constipation which could trigger hemorrhoids and in order that blood circulation in the body smoothly, then exercise regularly. Hemorrhoids will be severe if you do strenuous exercise such as lifting weights. Because it's better you do light exercise such as swimming or walking.

8. Turmeric

Spices this one is believed to cure various diseases. Boil turmeric and eat every day to cure hemorrhoids naturally.

9. Banana

Bananas can treat constipation. In order for you can eject the dirt easily without straining too strong which can trigger hemorrhoids, consumption a banana every day with warm soy milk.

10. Nuts

Nuts such as red beans, black beans, and lentils (a type of pea plants) is an effective healthy foods to cure hemorrhoids naturally.

Source:  Boldsky