Sunday, 27 January 2013

Too often hear bad news, make people become fat fast

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All people need the latest information in order to know always what is happening around him. However does not mean origin receive information, recommended multiply the good news and positive. Too often hear bad news can make fat.

Juliano Laran from the University of Miami showed that a person who is often heard, read or listen to the bad news tends to have a bigger weight. Conversely, if often hear the good news, the weight tends to be more controlled.

By the researchers, this trend is said associated with eating pattern. The more often hear the bad news, the mind will be focused on hard times and unknowingly thing it will encourage people to consuming delicious foods, including that are not healthy alias junk food.

Many previous studies linking stress history with a tendency to consume junk food. The calorie content in the form of sugar, fat and other additives can trigger the release of hormones anti stress so that can provide sedative effects.

However, if left constantly, consumption habits sweet foods and fatty will make body weight fast increasing. In the long term, obesity will increase the risk of various deadly chronic diseases including diabetes and heart attacks.

The results of research laran, showed that men and women are too often exposed bad news will consume foods an average of 40 percent a lot more. This finding reinforce the theory that under stressful conditions, people consume more calories.

"These findings could provide positive implications on individuals that move in the field of health services," says laran, as quoted Menshealth.

This finding also at once provide solutions for people who always fail in lower body weight. If it has been diet and do sports regularly but still fat, may need to be tried for occasional avoid newspapers and television.

Source:  Menshealth