Saturday, 22 June 2013

Important, list of intake which can damage the skin beauty

Beauty is an important factor in one's appearance. The appearance of beauty is not limited on clothes and accessories that interesting only, but also on the health of the skin. Food consumed was certainly affect skin health. So what are the foods presumably dangerous for healthy skin?

The following foods are dangerous for your skin:

1. Foods that disturb the water balance

Dehydration causes a dry skin. The side effects of dry skin which is the appearance of wrinkles. Dry dead skin cells can also cause acne.

2. Foods with excess salt content

Excessive salt content in the body can fluid retention, and cause swelling on the skin. Table salt, pickles, and canned foods products are some foods that contain too much salt.

3. Foods with excess caffeine content

Caffeine is known can increase the production of cortisol in the body and increase the aging process characterized by the existence of thinning of the skin. In addition, caffeine can also increase the risk of dehydration. Then from it, should subtract the consumption of tea, coffee, soft drinks and chocolate.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol can inhibit the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone, so that resulting in dehydration. In addition, alcohol also causes vasodilatation which makes the skin problems. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, vasodilation also be the cause of scaly skin.

5. Foods that contain a lot of sugar

Foods which contain excess sugar causes increased blood sugar levels. Insulin secretion and androgen also increased so that causing dead skin cells. Dead skin cells this which tends cause acne.

6. Processed foods

Processed foods such as refined flour, canned fruits, and juice in the packaging can increase sugar levels. These foods also containing the sodium and high salt. Moreover, the most important, essential nutrients for healthy skin already reduced in number in processed food products.

7. Foods that increase the production of free radicals

Free radicals are known can disrupt the structure of the skin with destroying the collagen and elastin, the fibers that are beneficial to the skin structure. Examples of foods that can increase the production of free radicals is a fatty meats and margarine. Food it causes fat oxidation that could destroy antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E and omega-3 fats.

8. Foods containing sweeteners or artificial coloring

Chemicals that enter the body will be difficult to removed. During his stay in their bodies will encourage the occurrence of process of free radical production.

9. Strict diet

Strict diet can effect on dehydration which also resulted in reduced antioxidant. Whereas, the antioxidant vitamins (Vitamin A, C, E) can help protect the skin's structure and avoid damage to the DNA.


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