Monday, 24 June 2013

This is the Best Sport for Diabetics

If you are diabetic, sport is an effective way to control blood sugar levels and weight. Yes, sport is very needed to maintain the health of your body. 

The reason is, people who suffer from diabetes have a higher likelihood of heart disease. Therefore exercise be a thing of important so that you can avoid these risks.

So, any sport that can be done by diabetics? Here are some suggestions and exercises for diabetes, such as:

- Strive to before starting the sports, diabetics already consulted with a doctor. Because, there is a majority of diabetes disease who have other health problems, so that sport can be very difficult for them.

- Check your blood sugar levels before starting to exercise. This is because high sugar levels can be bad for the health of diabetics. Therefore, consult with your doctor first to get a sport that fits with your body shape.

- Ideally, aerobic exercise is the best exercise for patients with diabetes. However if feel that the activities it is perceived difficult, you can choose other sports, such as walking, jogging, and cycling.

- Breathing exercises are also effective in treating diabetes. Where diabetics who regularly take a long breath can help increase heart function and increase blood flow in the body.

Try some cardio exercise because can increase the heart rate and control your blood sugar levels. In addition, also ran is the best exercise to increase the heart rate.

- Strive to warm the body first before you starting to exercise, and do not forget to relax your body after exercise. In the meantime, ran before the body warm also good because can warm the leg muscles and increase the heart rate becomes slower.

- Before starting to exercise, it is advisable to bring a little snack such as sugar-free biscuits and juice. This is to maintain the body's metabolism continues to work.

- Begin your exercise with slowly, then newly increase the intensity and duration of time when you can undergoing it. However, ideally a beginner should start jogging for 15 minutes, then after four to five days, the duration of your exercise new should be increased to 30 minutes.

In the meantime, if exercise that is done makes you feel dizzy after exercise, immediately check your blood sugar levels. If you are experiencing excessive dehydration, heart palpitations, hunger, and anxiety after exercise, immediately consult with the doctor.

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