Friday, 12 July 2013

This foods make you not easy sick

This foods make you not easy sick
There are many ways in order that the body does not easy sick. In addition to consuming a variety of vitamins, you also need to consume foods that have a high content of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are compounds that can boost immunity on someone. So that if anyone who consume foods with this content on a regular basis can make himself is not easy fall sick.

Well, if you are still confused what foods contain antioxidants, here are some foods that have the high content of antioxidants, such as:

Spinach is a food sources rich in fiber, vitamins A and C as well as folic acid. This food is big benefits for handle bowel movement problems such as constipation because lack of fiber. In addition, spinach is also fantastic to maintain eye health and your digestive tract continue to healthy.

Wheat porridge
Red rice, wheat porridge, and other forms from wheat contains ingredients rich in nutrients such as fiber, protein and antioxidants. Even, many nutritionists claim that the foods it give more essential nutrients than processed food whole grains. Therefore is recommended to replace the consumption of processed whole grains form with whole grains to boost your immunity level.

Nuts and whole grains
Consume nuts good to help maintain a healthy body, because the food it is valuable sources of vitamin E, which can boost your body's immune response. The main mechanism is the content of these foods stimulate the production of natural killer cells so that eliminate dangerous germ cells and cancer cells in the body. While to get the maximum benefit, all depends on the person's lifestyle, a daily dose of this nutrient can varies. People with life-style with a high level of alcohol consumption, maybe need more than 100-400 milligrams per day.

Honey is anti-bacterial and foods rich in antioxidants so that increasing again antibody in the body. While if you add a few from tablespoon of honey, mixed with lemon and tea. This recipe can relieve sore throats and improve your digestion.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, rich in antioxidants. Besides having glucoraphanin broccoli, which helps the body to process the compound sulforaphane to fight cancer. Then broccoli is also a food that is rich in nutrients such as vitamins C and K, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and carotenoids, thus making it an ideal choice for diet weight loss healthy and build up your immune.

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