Saturday 1 December 2012

The natural way to treat tuberculosis

On a beautiful day, I will tell you how to handle or treat TB are natural herbs. Tuberculosis is one of the most common lung diseases discussed by the physician and by lung health advocacy.

TB disease is caused by bacteria, the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB disease can cause shortness of breath but unlike asthma which I have written in the pages of natural herbs for asthma.

The symptoms of TB disease are as follows:

    -  coughing up blood
    -  The frequency of cough very often
    -  If you walk far enough to experience shortness of breath
    -  Itchy throat
    -  high fever
    -  Sometimes choking when sleeping because lung fluid kesaluran upper respiratory.

Tips for people with TB

    - Do not think the weight thing especially things beyond the ability.
    - Rest areas are both cool cool cool both physically and spiritual (not in turbid environments, chaotic or major problems)
    -  Eating foods that are nutritious and should be halal
    -  No more drinking and smoking with the intention of liquor was not kosher
    -  Maintain cleanliness and hygiene of the heart of the stain of sin
    -  Streets in the morning to admire the beauty of the morning it is His grace that must be learned and grateful

Natural herbs for Tuberculosis
Materials needed:

    -  3 pieces of betel leaf
    -  7 seed cloves
    -  7 seed cubeb
    -  7 cardamom seeds
    -  1 finger cinnamon

How to make: all ingredients are boiled in water as much as 4 cups and leave to the remaining 2 cups. Let the new ce do filtering.
How to use it; recommended to drink 3 times a day with a dose of 1/4 cup at a time.

Met try and hope to help.

(various source)