Sunday, 21 July 2013

Do not ignore big stomach, this is causes and how to overcome it

Do not ignore big stomach, this is causes and how to overcome it
Big stomach

Enlarged abdomen can make a person look fatter. Because at the time abdominal bloating, waist pants will feels narrow.

Enlarged abdomen should indeed not be ignored, because it can be a sign of certain diseases. Well here are a few things that cause abdominal bloating and how to overcome it, among others:

1. Irritation Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Intestinal irritation can be one of the causes of abdominal bloating, if bloating perceived the long-standing and is accompanied with symptoms of pain, and constipation or diarrhea.

Intestinal conditions in general, IBS is a functional disorder, which means there is nothing wrong with the structure of the intestine itself, but way of working the intestine is not normal.

Peter Whorwell, professor of medicine gastroenterology at the University of Manchester, said, "We think the intestine is very sensiti in patients with IBS so it is a normal process that causes various of symptoms."

Bloating is one of the side effects of IBS is the most disturbing. Some women try on various kinds of sizes the dresses and even need different clothes depending on bloating or whether or not abdominal.

Even the majority of sufferers abdominal bloating tend to deteriorate at the time of  approaching the night, well kind of thing this is very disturbing your social life. There is no cure for IBS, but you can set the symptoms.

Stop the consumption of cereal fiber can eliminate the symptoms of abdominal bloating between 30% and 40% in most patients. This means that we must avoid wheat bread, oats, cereal bars and all breakfast cereals, except white bread, cakes, and biscuits.

Try to do this during three months to see results. Probiotic drinks can help eliminate the symptoms. Activia yogurt, can become drinks which is useful to help sufferers from IBS.

2. Abdominal Bloating
This can be the cause if you are experiencing catch a cold, but did not pay attention to other symptoms. We all certainly experiencing abdominal bloating from time to time, and it is a normal thing if you are experiencing it even up to 15 times a day and even sometimes you maybe not realize that you're bloating.

While this there is no cure for excessive abdominal bloating. If it disturb you and makes you feel uncomfortable, here are ways that you can do to reduce sense of bloating.

Try not to consume high carbohydrate foods that can not be absorbed by the body, broccoli, cabbage, plums and apples, and foods that contain sugar of substitutes sorbitol. because it tends to be very slow to digested and can release small amounts of sulfur gas at the time of passes through the intestines.

3. Coeliac Diseases
This happens if you often feel tired, losing weight without obvious reason, you are suffering from stomach pain.

Coeliac disease is negative reaction to gluten which is found in wheat, and all foods that contain gluten, as well as pasta, bread, gravi, and sauces.

It is an autoimmune condition where the body actually makes gluten as a threat and attack him, so that resulting in danger on the small intestinal lining, which then lead to your ability in absorbing nutrients from food.

Usually this case found in children, but now adults can diagnosed in middle age. If you have these symptoms, check to your doctor and request to do a blood test to see whether there is celiac disease in the body.

4. Bloating Disease Hormonal
You maybe feel bloating at the time of you enter the pre-menstrual period or in the early months of pregnancy. During pregnancy, and pre-menstrual, increased levels of the hormone progesterone.

This can slow motility or intestine movement, which means that food passes through the body more slowly and cause bloating and possible occurrence of constipation.

But you can eliminate bloating, with doing sports. Sports can increase intestine movements and walking 30 minutes a day can give different flavors.

Besides it drinking lots of fluids and eating a lot of fruits, vegetables and wheat to avoid constipation.

5. Ovarian Cancer
Constantly bloating and you have other symptoms such as feeling of fullness which last a long time and stomach ache. Ovarian cancer symptoms taste vaguely, which is why this disease is often diagnosed at the time already difficult to be treated, so it's important to pay attention to the signs of potential.

The main symptom is a continuous bloating and increased abdominal size. Be careful to the frequency of pain in stomach, and lack of appetite and symptoms seen in urine.

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