Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Note, this intake can prevent dehydration

Illustration of dehydration

Lack of fluid intake during fasting risk of triggering dehydration. But with the right eating choices, hydration or adequacy of body fluids can be maintained throughout the day. What food which can maintain body fluids not quickly exhausted...??

Some foods that can maintain hydration is as follows, such as:

1. Cucumber
Cucumber contains 95 percent water, so that some cucumber slices have the same benefits as drinking a glass of water. In addition, cucumber also give fiber intake and vitamin C, approximately 6 percent of the daily requirement.

2. Green salad
In addition to consist of 90 percent water, green salad also only contains less than 15 calories in every 2 bowls. Another content of useful is the folate, vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants beta-carotene. The content is great for maintaining healthy eyes and skin.

3. Strawberries
Water content in strawberry fruit reached 91 percent, is very helpful to maintain adequate fluid. In addition, this red fruit also contains vitamin C and B that can help the growth of new cells.

4. Watermelon
As the name implies, the fruit which in English is called Watermelon consists of 92 percent of water. In addition it also contains vitamin C, especially the red watermelon contains lycopene. The compound has antioxidant effects that can prevent cancer or heart disease.

5. Yoghurt
Plain-yogurt contains approximately 85-88 percent of water. The content can varied depending on the type of yogurt is consumed. Clearly, these foods also give calcium intake, vitamin B-12 or riboflavin and of course probiotics.

6. Papaya
Composed of 88 percent of water, papaya is very helpful to maintain adequate body fluids. The size one glass also gives 3 grams of fiber with only 55 calories.

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