Monday, 16 September 2013

Suddenly anxious, alert on disruption of hormone imbalance

Suddenly anxious, alert on disruption of hormone imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is compulsory to avoid by the weaker sex. Because, these conditions can interfere with a person's daily target.

Hormones play an important role in the life of every woman. Therefore, when it happens an imbalance of hormones womanly, housework that must look for a solution immediately. This is important remember the female body is always producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone every month.

In general, hormonal imbalance occurs in middle-aged women, although young women are also affected by lifestyle, nutrition, pollution, emotion and age. However, hormone imbalance had been due can be overcome with medications or lifestyle changes.

Before the overcome further, you should know what are the symptoms of the underlying disorder. To know it what are the negative effects of it. Here are reviews of interestingly, such as:

1. Anxiety or depression

One of the most significant signs you are experiencing hormonal imbalance is a sudden onset of anxiety or depression. The condition can occur because low levels of the hormone melatonin in your body. This hormone is very important to balance the daily rhythms of your body, where the deficiency of this hormone will cause lethargy. Generally sluggish conditions occur concomitant with increased age.

2. High blood pressure

Ratio of sodium body fluids should be balanced with the hormone aldosterone. If you suffer from a condition called renal artery stenosis, the blood vessels that go to kidney organ, which then releases hormones into the bloodstream, up to create a hormone imbalance. As a result, automatically it will increase the blood pressure.

3. Decreased libido

Decreased libido can also be a sign that your hormones are damaged. Generally, before menopause, a woman may have fluid in testosterone as the ovaries and adrenal glands produce sex hormones, which affect sexual desire. In addition it, the condition can also cause vaginal dryness and irregular menstruation.

4. Triggering heat and shiver

This is one of the common symptoms among middle-aged women approaching menopause and after menopause. They suffer from severe coldness and hot flashes every day and especially at night. During menopause, the slowdown of estrogen levels cause chemical discharge by the hypothalamus. This process causes the blood vessels to expand, releasing heat in the body and cause hot flashes, sweating and shiver.

5. Weight gain

Imbalance in your hormone levels can lead to increased body weight. If your body has high levels of the hormone cortisol and insulin, you'll be eat more much and eventually add weight. Remember, weight loss can lead to the production of high levels of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Conversely, an imbalance in hormones can lead to being overweight, especially after menopause.

In addition to the five signs imbalance discussed above, there are other symptoms of hormone imbalance that can be used signs, such as changes in menstrual cycles, acne, headaches, excessive hair growth and hair thinning. Consult with a doctor if these symptoms make discomfort in your daily life.

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